You know learning is a defined process.
To reach the top of the mountain, a mountaineer has to climb many hills many times.
initially, to reach the top of the first hill, he had to climb many times
years of practice and keep doing the same things….
Practising one skill for years make people extraordinary in their work.
Yes, this is a process of learning that never ends..
And in this process, each mountaineer discovered many new tools and techniques that were effective for himself..
The skills he discovers for himself becomes his greater strength.. and identity

Whenever you learn, it takes you a step ahead…
And the moment you stop, you will find yourself far from it.
And the day you stop practising it, it will stop giving you the result.
Learning a skill …
Mastering a skill takes time …
It defines direction.
It carves path…
Learning in one direction gives effective results..
Learn to grow ..
Learn to build your future ..
learn to make your life…
Thanks for reading the article.
Keep learning and keep growing
I wish you growth that never stops.
Define your direction. Connect with me anytime
Thank you so much Ma’am
I’m trying to my best