Surprisingly, youngsters are facing it more. For me knowing the core reasons are very important.
Knowing the core reasons help people to be aware pf
- what is harming;
- What needs to be done;
- What one should not practice.
Awareness makes difference in life.
What are the reasons that youngsters facing it more? Here is the answer:
- Growing technology: Technology gives convenience and growth. Simultaneously it gives severe feelings of loneliness. People who are addicted to technology face severe depression in the future or lose sensitivity due to a lack of human contact and touch. Gradually they grow as a human-machine. Loss of connect and touch from different people creates an emotional imbalance, and that is the core reason behind the depression among youngsters.
- Pressure: Pressure is there, too much pressure, study pressure, job pressure, future pressure, girl friend pressure etc. The pressure is something where the action part is missing, and thoughts continuously go in the brain. Any activity in the brain without taking action creates negativity, and that leads to severe depression. The pressure is something very individual: people can actually figure out their stressful moments and what is giving them stress.
- Higher expectations: Setting-up high expectations from themselves. Nowadays generation has huge expectations from themselves. The gap between among reasons;
- What they want;
- what they can;
- what they are doing. Gaps and mismatch in expectations certainly create stress and frustration.
- Too much involvement of parents or family: Involvement or interference?? People fail to make out the difference between involvement and interference, although there is a very thin line between the two, but a huge difference in impact.
- When involvement exceeds limits it takes the shape of interference. In a couple of places, I had seen lots of involvement, and in a couple of places, involvement was completely missed out.
Anything in excess is harmful. Either it is Involvement or Interference.
- Peer pressure: Matching ourselves to others is a major cause of severe depression; Mostly, credit goes to the parents, teachers, relatives and friends themselves.
- Comparison to ourselves is the core reason. What research says: people compare themselves with others more than others.
- Lack of expression: Holding feelings and not sharing them with anyone leads to suppressing emotions. Suppressive emotions lead to stress and depression. Expression of feelings without hesitation is a powerful way to release stress.
Depression is the much later stage of negative emotions and stress
Awareness about the core fundamentals that are affecting and giving stress help in dealing.
It is advisable to take the help of Expert like Coaches or Emotional Intelligence Experts.
Strong reasoning help in getting solutions: if one finds out or be open to take help.
Reasons get the awareness of what is right and what can be avoided.
Hiding your own challenges make things more severe.
Awareness and actions save people, causing an impact to some extent.
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