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Anjali the Coach

Fundamentals & Myths about Leadership

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DECEMBER 10, 2018

Fundamentals & Myths about Leadership

Nowadays people are globally focusing on building Leadership qualities in individuals. The reason behind it is, lack of unity in teams, broken organizations & broken families and the most important myth about leaders is that leaders’ rule.

Yes, they rule but successful leaders’ rule over the heart of their people. You must have seen many leaders are there but only great leaders could build successful nations and organizations. What qualities do they had and have, do we think?  

Most of us just want to hear success stories.

For a true leader “I” don’t exist, if anything exists, that is Nation,and Organizations’ growth and development.

It’s a process if nation or organization grow, people & teams’ growth is inevitable.

Mahatma Gandhi is my favorite leader, I follow and learn from his journey .

Mahatma Gandhi, Badshah Akbar, Veer Shivaji, or Maharaj Vikramaditya are great examples of true leaders. In their reign, the not only kingdom prospered but people also.

Mahatma Gandhi is a brilliant example of leadership and as a leader, Mahatma Gandhi had the amazing quality of team building. The era where the social communication system was not developed, he had the ability and strength to bind the whole nation in a rope.

Leader, Team and Organisation works together when their objective is same that is beyond self growth.

Though what was there which could bind the whole nation in a rope, it was the common goal, “Freedom”.

Therefore, goal setting is the most important and concrete part of any leadership.

With all the emotional challenges and high stress, Mahatma had the capacity to give positive & motivational spirit and emotional strength to people. And many failure incidents took place in that journey but Mahatma’s determination and commitment made it a success story.

Therefore, a leader must have a positive attitude and motivational drive, determination, commitment & dedication.

And at present, the business tycoon Mukesh Ambani is the best example of a true leader. Best technology, management, team building, positive drive and common goal which is based on employee’s and organization’s growth are the secrets of their continuous success.

Decision-making power is also a strong ability which any leader must possess.  Again, any decision took by Mahatma was accepted and respected by the nation. The strong reason behind it was the security and trust he built among the people. So, for a leader building trust among the team is essential, the team must feel secure & confident in his leadership.

Accepting mistakes, brick batts, discredits, and rectify or work on them is again the leader’s most important quality though the credit goes to the team.  So, the leader should be a role model for his team or nation. Continuous learning ability, positive drive, emotional balance, and decision-making power are the key abilities of any leader.

To take nation or organization towards growth is challenging though to save and protect nation or organization from sinking is the most challenging task, again the mahatma succeeded in it.

Now I would like to ask who all want to be a leader? What do you mean by the leader – to rule over or handle big roles or walk with the team, A person who saves his army battalion is a leader, a person who saves the group while tracking in the Himalayas or in the forest by making right decisions, positive spirit and creative mind is a leader. A person who is capable to bind his whole family in a thread is a leader

Protect your families, understand and manage their emotions, make decisions that are right for them not as you think they are right. Give your family the comfort, trust, security, and freedom of creativity to stay together.

Build a strong team in an organisation and at home to face challenges of life.

Don’t rule over people, be with them, walk with them if you want to be a successful leader, doesn’t matter how big is the team or organization if anything matters that is team’s growth and success.

Be a successful leader and for that, you don’t need to be a part of any organization or to hire a powerful position, the journey begins from your own home.

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