Do you have courage to accept relations..

A trend is changing,
Yesterday a girl’s announcement on FM radio provoked me to write this article. The announcement was: Mom I’m going to marry my boyfriend who is 10 years younger to me.
According to history especially in India, in marriages, the belief is that the man should be elder than the girl. In marriages, 5 to the 7-year difference between the boy and the girl was quite normal, and even 10 or more or even double the age is also not a surprising thing, and it was very much accepted by the society. And this was very much in tradition with Raj gharanas.
In the late 1990s and the starting of 2000, the gap between boys and girls was decreased to 2 to 3 years, either the boy or the girl was older, although only in love marriages it was seen that girls were older than boys.
Now in the last couple of years, I have heard about many uneven marriages where the boy is 10 years younger or even more. And this is not completely & happily accepted by society.
As a coach, I have a habit to go to the depth when it comes to the nature and behavior of human beings.
Reasons I observed of uneven age gaps in marriages are:
1) Stability, maturity, patience, and balance in a woman
2) Respect and value, she didn’t get from her generation but from this generation
3) The youth of the next generation is always more open and understanding than the last
4) Confidence to accept and declare the relation
5) Freedom
Freedom plays an important role here. In this era, the woman is free to make decisions and to make their own choices. Women who are 30+ are more settled, patient and balanced, compared to the younger generation. They see older ladies more settled, here settled doesn’t mean that they are settled in their profession or career but as a person. Which is the main core of falling for elderly women, & this they don’t see in their age group? But what attracts a woman? The respect, support, and value they get from the boys due to the age gap & because of the stability and balance they have achieved over a period of time.
And no doubts, now a day’s youth is more understanding and courageous to accept such relations
It was not like that it was not happening earlier. Earlier also young men were falling for an old woman or vice versa, the first 3 points were always there in society but nowadays they have the courage & confidence to accept and announce the relation.
Before society accepts it, acceptance within should come first, rest comes later. When you accept gradually society too.
Appreciate who have the courage to accept and announce such a relation.
Thanks for reading the article.
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